Friday, February 9, 2018

The Habit of Mindless Eating Can Get in the Way of Your Fitness - Day 40 New Year, New You

Mindless eating is ugly and what it does to your body is even worse. Many of us walk around with brains turned off and grab whatever food items are in our grazing path. No rhyme or reason but doing an auto-pilot action of putting something in your face. Welcome to Day 40 of New Year, New You in 365 Days.

You know the glazed over look watching TV and mowing through a whole bag of chips. How about the work break room goodies brought back to the desk as you plug away at your computer. Often times, we're not hungry, not thinking, and eating out of boredom or habit. This continued pattern isn't good for you or your expanding waistline.

What the heck is going on and why?  It's no wonder America is plagued with the highest obesity rate and enormous doctor bills for self-induced illness. Mindless eating is a topic that should be at the forefront of your eating habits. Each time you eat something is an opportunity to better your health and fitness. We have really dropped the ball not thinking before eating. Are you stressed, emotionally upset, bored, or whatever? Unhealthy food isn't the answer to make you feel better. 

Emotions can play a role in mindless eating and it's recommended to address these issues in a healthy way. There is no amount of tasty donuts or pizza fixing an emotional problem. What it will do is add fat to your body and another reason to be stressed. Why not look into professional help, go to a counselor, see a minister, or talk to a trusted friend.

Most of the time, mindless eating is done out of habit and convenience. If it's there, put it in your face and so on. We're the true 'Walking Dead' feasting on gross things doing gross things to your body. It's time to turn your brain back on and start breaking these unhealthy habits. The following are important helpful tips to get you back on track to eating right:

Start the process of mindful eating by taking food and behavior inventory:

  • Toss the processed food in the refrigerator and pantry and replace it with healthy "real" food.  
  • Start moving! Exercise at least 4 times weekly
  • Stop blaming your spouse, significant other, friends or circumstances for mindless eating. 
  • Just because someone in your home brings in crap food doesn't mean you have to eat it.  Think before you eat. 
  • Start packing healthy snacks for work. Stay out of the break room vending machines and donuts sitting on the table. 
  • Drink water if you feel the urge to eat without thinking.
  • Ask yourself if what you're eating is helping or hurting your health.
  • Be mindful of alcohol intake. Are you really having only one drink?
  • Make a plan to eat healthily and stick to it.
  • Keep a food journal and be honest with yourself.
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Be well and Stay Healthy


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Related : The Habit of Mindless Eating Can Get in the Way of Your Fitness - Day 40 New Year, New You


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